TU Wien, 2017, Building Theory Studio
Advisor: Anne-Catherine Fleith
Project: Pamela Maldonado Vallejos, Elisa Moschner
The design involves a theater on Gaußplatz in Vienna. The new building includes three different performative spaces, which vary in size and quality. The volume of the main stage represents the separation between private and public spaces. The private area contains the administration, artists' rooms, and ateliers. The design is sober and inconspicuous in contrast to the open public areas.
The main entrance doesn't have a noticeable threshold and thus brings the outside space to the inside, the public into the private. The program includes the foyer, an open stage, and a cafe. This area is relaxed and inviting, where users can become actors themselves.
The circulation is oriented towards the street and extends throughout the length of the building. A perforated envelope provides insight into the theater. The movement of users and actors becomes a performance in itself.